
Favacon Blue

Legal Nurse Solution

Connie Schaefer

Legal Nurse & Associates, LLC

Favacon Blue

Legal Nurse Solution

Connie Schaefer

Legal Nurse & Associates, LLC

Putting the Pieces of the Puzzle Together to Create a Winning Legal Case

Consider your strategy for creating your puzzle. Do you start with the outside edges first? Then do you begin to pile up the like colors?
Connie Schaefer Presents

Consider your strategy for creating your puzzle.   Do you start with the outside edges first?   Then do you begin to pile up the like colors?

Imagine all the needed pieces of the puzzle scattered all over the table just waiting to be put together.

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That analogy is what it is like to create your Medical Malpractice or Personal Injury Lawsuit.  You must be able to utilize all the pieces of the puzzle and not try to do it all yourself.

Perhaps the edges of the puzzle are the evidence, providing structure to the finished product.    Perhaps all the white pieces belong to your Legal Nurse, who takes the medical records and organizes them into something you can use to win your case.  Ponder on all the red puzzle pieces being your expert witnesses.   Then there are all of the little connecting pieces that your Paralegal pulls together in this big puzzle of your case!

Of course, the hard work your Paralegal does is a large section of your puzzle, but he/she cannot do it all alone.  Your Paralegal is an amazing addition to your puzzle, but he/she was not trained to analyze the medical record.

After more than 40 years of nursing experience, much of that time doing chart extraction in Infection Prevention and Quality, I am fully qualified to review, understand and communicate appropriately all that is found hidden in the medical record.  I bring to the table experience in acute care (ICU, ER, Med Surg) and Long-Term Care.

Contact me on my website or by email:  www.connieschaeferlegalnurse.com or connie@connieschaeferlegalnurse.com   I will help you win your case!

We All Need To Work Together to WIN Your Case! (Attorney, Paralegal, Expert Witnesses, Legal Nurse)

Attorney, Paralegal, Expert Witnesses, Legal Nurse! We all need to work together to win your case!




Connie Schaefer, RN, CLNC, is a legal nurse consultant with more than 40 years’ experience as a Registered Nurse. She works with law firms to advise them on medical cases. Connie has specialized in areas of ER, ICU, long-term care and Infection Prevention. She has seen an increase in medical lawsuits in the past 2 years and an increase in the need for specialist medical consulting.

Connie Schaefer Legal Nurse & Associates, LLC

(620) 222-5654



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